A warm welcome at Charity Mark Lodge
15th February 2016
There are times when you enter a lodge that you know instinctively that it’s going to be a good evening. Charity Mark which meets at Bryn Masonic Hall is one of those Lodges, although not large by any means with just over twenty members, it always gives a warm welcome to members and visitors alike.
Bob Hayes, George Statham WM, Leigh Mark Lodge, David Dixon, Andy Whittle,
WM Malcolm Rush, IPM Eddie Perry, Ian Clark, Frank Cooke and Ken Alker.
Take it one stage further and couple it with excellent ceremonial and you have the makings of a thoroughly enjoyable lodge meeting.
Add even more with the presence of a Director of Ceremonies who really knows what he is doing in the person of Bob Heyes and it gets even better. Such was the Installation of Malcolm Rush JP by outgoing Worshipful Master Eddie Perry who was assisted for part of the ceremony by Bob.
Andy Whittle congratulates Malcolm, accompanied by IPM Eddie Perry
Andrew Stephen Whittle, Provincial Grand Senior Warden, represented the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and he could not have been other an impressed by the quality of the ceremony. He was accompanied by Ken Alker, the PGM’s Special Representative for the area and Grand Officers Ian Clarke, Frank Cooke and David Dixon along with many Provincial Grand Officers and visiting Brethren.
The working tools were presented by Brother Gary Jones in a faultless fashion and W. Bro Ken Laites presented the collarets to the new Master in a similar way.
Assistant Provincial Gr. Standard Bearer, David Heaton congratulates Malcolm
on achieving the Chair of Adoniram
The addresses were given as follows; To the Master by Bob Heyes. To the Wardens by W. Bro Brian Dietz. To the Overseers by W. Bro Graham Corday and to the Brethren by the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master, Andy Whittle. All I might add, to a very high standard.
The Worshipful Master was delighted to be able to present the following cheques to Bro Whittle; £200 to West Lancs Mark Charities, £100 to the Stroke Association and £100 MacMillan Cancer Support.
Andy Whittle addresses the WM at the Festive Board
Before everyone retired to the Festive Board to tuck into the fine food provided by Chris and Phil, special mention was made of two stalwart members of the Lodge who have not been too well of late, W. Bro Joe Mather and W. Bro George Harrison. Everyone wishes them a speedy recovery and hopefully they will be back in Charity Mark soon.
The Charity Collection and a raffle at the festive board raised approximately £150
Report and Photographs Courtesy of Fred Lomax